My alarm went off at around 6: 30 but I was somewhat conscious of it before it went off. But when it went off it still surprised me then I just hit snooze. When I rolled back over I told myself that I would get up the next time it went off because I had to call Jesse to get a ride to school because my car is broken. So 9 minutes later when my alarm went off I just hit snooze and rolled back over. I can't remember what I thought about while I dozed again. Then I looked back at the alarm clock to see what time it was. It was something like 6:53. So I told myself that I would get up in the next 4 minutes. So when my alarm went off, it hit me that it was around seven o'clock and that I still had to call Jesse to make sure I had a ride. So I shut off my alarm and scrunched into a ball on top of my pillows.
I couldn't hear anyone in the living room, so I figured my brothers wouldn't be up yet, so if I got everything I needed right then I could go get in the shower without being interrupted. So I grabbed the clothes I had picked out in my head the day before and went and took a shower. Before I went into the bathroom I brought the phone with me so I could call Jesse RIGHT after I got out of the shower. Because I knew that she wouldn't get up until at least after 7. So I turned on the Get Set Go CD that was in the cd player in the bathroom and I took a shower. I looked at the new clock that's hanging over the toilet just to use it because it's new and tells the time. I use to determine how long I was in the shower by how many songs had already played.
So when I got out of the shower it was about a quarter after 7. I picked up the phone and called Jesse. Her mom answered and I asked her to ask Jesse for a ride to school. I could hear her asking Jesse through a door and I could hear Jesse's answer being yes. So when I hung up I swallowed a pill I had put and taken out of my mouth while the phone was ringing. I figured I didn't have enough time or hands to swallow it properly. So I took it with a handful of water, then I got dressed. I took my tooth brush and toothpaste out of the bathroom with me and brought it out to the kitchen sink. I decided to brush my teeth out there so my brothers could get into the bathroom so they could get ready for school.
I brushed my teeth while Garett was eating a peanut butter sandwich. When I was done, I went to my room and slipped on my shoes. Then I remembered that I had to get money for my overdue cellphone bill. So I took it out of the little place I keep my money and put it into my wallet. Then my mom came in and reminded me that I had to pay my phone bill. I told her I just got the money for it. Then we started talking about what we were doing after school and I had to remind her that we were going to activate my card for when I go to Spain. We decided that she was going to pick me up at 3 after school. My cat came in and I started talking to him. Then my mom and my cat left so I decided to blow dry my hair.
I knew that I could do my make-up in Jesse's car so I decided not to bother with it at that time. So while I was blow-drying my hair I was thinking about what it would be line to blow-dry my hair in college. And if my roommate would be that girl I met at the softball thing on friday. And if it would be creepy for me to ask her if she wanted to be my roommate. When I was done blow-drying my hair I wondered how cold it was outside. Because if it was going to be like the day before I was going to wear my trench coat Katie bought me. So I started walking through my house asking how cold it would be. When I got to my parents room they told me about 40 degrees.
So I got that coat on and my bags together. Then I decided that I would bring the pink shoes that were on my table I would bring for Jesse to try on, because she has smaller feet than me and they would actually fit. So my mom and brothers went out and got in the Blazer and Jesse pulled in before my mom could pull out. So I walked out of the house with my backpack, and my little sports bag that I use as a purse and the pink shoes. I felt a little embarrassed about how the athletic bag wouldn't go with what I was wearing at all. And especially not my trench coat. But I got in the car and I told her that I brought the shoes for her to wear and she said "Good, because I really like them." Then she started talking about how she knew my mom was in the blazer and that she blocked her in. I told her it was okay, then I told her that the traffic was clear to pull out into the road. Then she looked backward while she drove and I remember thinking that she didn't have to because I don't look backward when I pull out of my driveway. Then I decided that it was okay for her to do it because we all drive differently.
She was telling me about the Semi-Formal I missed by starting out saying "I hate how people have to pick on someone because of their weight." I didn't know what she was talking about. Then she said that some girl that's friend with the person she's having trouble with. She said that the friend had said that "she had fat hanging out of her dress". So she ranted about her and so I called the friend Skanky. We talked about it for a while, then we were on a totally different topic for a while. When we were in Newport, even though the subject was long passed, all I could think was that that friend is a skank. So I told Jesse about that, then when we were going into the elementary school zone a cop was coming out, and I got nervous but then I reminded myself that we weren't doing anything wrong. Then further up in the school zone a cop had pulled someone over, then I thought about how I've seen at least 4 people pulled over in the past week and how I usually don't see many people pulled over. Then I was looking at the rear lights and I remember thinking before that they were blinkers or something. Then I thought that there was no one pulled over because I couldn't see anyone behind the police car the way it was parked. So I asked "Does he want to get out?" Then I say the other car, and said oh. Then I looked at that Police man in the car and I thought he gave me a peace sign so I told Jesse about it. She said "Maybe he was flipping you off for looking at him while he was pulled over." So I explained that I was talking about the police officer not the guy pulled over. Then while we were pulling through town Jesse started talking about how upset she was that they burned down the brown building near the light. And I said that I had seen a bunch of fire trucks there too. She was talking about how she was always confused why there were always fire trucks there, saying that maybe an Old Lady kept calling for help when she didn't need it. I wanted to go up and see it and for a minute I thought we were going to but then we turned onto the road we always do to go to school. I felt like Jesse wanted to go up and drive by it too.
When we were walking into the school I saw Tyler on his bus. Then Christian started walking behind us while Jesse was explaining something I can't remember to me. I just hit Him in the chest and told him that I liked him. We walked in the school and passed Jesse's cousin and told me how she just wanted to call him Ben-ifer.
So when Jesse got to her locker I figured I wouldn't see her for the rest of the morning. So I walked all the way down to the end of the hallway where my locker is. I looked around for people I stand with and they weren't there yet so I just put all of my stuff in my locker and hung my trench coat up in Mr. Higgin's room. Then I went walking to find someone to stand with. I looked in Ms. Linds room when I walked by in case there was someone in there. I knew that if there wasn't anyone in there I could always go to the stage. So when I got there there were cool people standing outside the stage door, I assumed it was locked. I tried to push Tyler into the middle of the circle so I could stand in his spot and Angela tried to help a little bit. Then he was like "No, blahblahblah you're not going to do that." I didn't know if he thought I was seriously trying to push him out of the circle or if he knew I was kidding. Then I saw Angela's Breakfast and I wanted some. So when she left the circle to get something I left to go get breakfast in the cafeteria. I got some kind of bar thing with chocolate in it and a chocolate milk. When I was leaving the cafeteria I was going the opposite way of my homeroom because I was going to do Pre Calc homework in Mrs. Snyders room before my 1st period Pre Calc class. While I was walking out I notice all of the people that hang out in the cafeteria in the morning. I thought about how weird it must be to hang out there. There I realized that them hanging out in the cafeteria before the bell is like me hanging out in Ms. Linds or on the stage before the bell rings.
So I went walking down the main hallway. I could see Sam from halfway down the hall so I felt encouraged to walk faster. Then I could see Patrick standing with him. There were 3 larger groups standing around them that aren't usually in the hallway at the same time as us. It felt really bizarre to have so many people that I don't know/care about to be in/near our spot of standing. Then Angela joined us and they we talked about how crowded it was but how we weren't going to move. Then the one to the left of us left and Mrs. Wright was coming near her room and told all of us in the hallway that we had to move away from in front of her door. So we didn't move, because we weren't the ones in front of her door, we left the group to the right of us move around us to stand on the other side. Then the bell rang and we didn't move right away. Angela said she wasn't going to her homeroom while Patrick left for his. Sam said that his homeroom didn't count. So I said I was going to Mrs. Snyder's for Pre Calc homework. and I could hear Angela asking Sam to walk her to a class. Then I imagined the rest of the conversation from there. So I walked into Ms. Snyder's room and just sat down in a different seat than I usually do because there was a girl from my English class sitting there. So I sat down without asking if I could stay and starting working on homework. I got up and go paper and saw one of my painfully quiet friends sitting at another table and realized how I don't talk to her all that often because she's so quiet all the time. Then I tried to imagine college and how I probably wouldn't maintain communication with her.
I went to call my homeroom, but I knew that It would be a substitute because Ms. Coppa is in Africa. So I called and it was the sub and I was all nice to her over the phone. But when I hung up I was just glad that I was doing math and not going to homeroom.
Monday, March 9, 2009
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