Thursday, May 7, 2009

An hour a day makes you more aggressive apparently

According to a 17-year study, adolecents that watch more than an hour a day makes them more likely to commit violent acts as adults. Yes, 17-years of this. What I don't quite understand is how more than 1 hour can really affect someone so deeply. Unless they were straped to a chair and droned to their very core could an hour-and a half of television make for a monsterous adult.
How does this make any sense at all? Sure they can hurl their numbers and their statistics and their percentages at you but what does it all mean? Also what are they trying to gain by telling people that letting your children watch more than an hour a day will lead them down a path of violence? This adolecents aren't sitting around watching slasher films all day, teenagers and children just want to sit down and watch tv. This whole study just seems to me to be anothing thing they're trying to convince parents to put a stricter hold on their children.

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